“To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order.
To put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order.
To put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life.
We must first set our hearts right.”

Right Heart Class

What’s brought you here? Maybe you’ve heard or read something that has touched your heart. You’re interested in learning more, but you don’t know what to do next. The Well-Educated Heart journey is unlike anything else. It is not a curriculum that requires little effort on your part; there is no instruction manual outlining exactly what story to read, what questions to ask, and what activity to do. This is different. Instead of 'what to learn,' it's all about 'how to learn.' It goes against the normal way of doing things and will require more of you.

What will your journey look like? It will look like your own. While we aren't going to be able to tell you exactly what to do, the Right Heart class will help you share the journey with others and guide you through the process of doing your own heart work. Each of the six weeks is centered around an audio from Marlene. You can listen and learn as your time allows, participate in ongoing discussions with other mothers, ask questions, practice navigating the resources, and share your own gems and insights.

We hope you'll join us.


Class Overview
